Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One Month Old!

Can you believe it?!? Tyson is already one month old! He is awake more during the day, making great eye contact, starting to smile for other reasons than just gas, and is even going for a new George Costanza look since he's losing his hair up top but keeping it fresh on the sides. Its ok...he knows it is just for a little while and possibly a preview for many years on out. Tyson has also now found a love for bath time. He gets to dip in about twice a week and I think it takes him back to the good old days when he lived in water for 9 months! Ryan and I just need to keep on the look out for the fire hydrant pee stream that attacked us during the last bath. :)

Ty is also starting to sleep longer through the night. (Knock on wood to continue.) He will go from 4-6 1/2 hours at a time and it is Fantastic. Oh yeah and remember when I said in a previous post that I love those midnight feedings because they are so peaceful...what the heck was a thinking!?!? Now that I have had a taste of sleeping for longer than 2 hours at a time its been pretty hard to wake up. I always seem to try and convince Ryan when I am half asleep that I have already fed him or just lie about when I last fed him. Poor Ryan with his sleep-walking-talking-punching-kicking wife. I"m sure he is always "on guard" each night with me!

Also, I am finally feeling more and more up to my regular self (Whatever that means). But either way it feels great. There is soooo much that the books leave out about post labor & delivery. I of course read everything about how he will be, but had no clue what I would go through. But either way...I'm feeling much much better. I have even started Turbo Jam. Yes, I look just as enthusiastic as the Turbo Team - except instead of looking like I just downed a bag of sugar while singing about rainbows and puppies...I look a little more beat-red-completely-out-of-breath-dying-for-water. But at least I am trying. I also went for my first run yesterday. It was more of a jog/walk...or walk/jog to be exact...but after looking at my workout calendar I realized that I haven't ran since October. So even though it was pretty tough out there, it was great to run again! Once I get the hang of it The Tysonator and I will be out cruising in the BOB Ironman Jogger. We already sound like bad asses! I get butterflies just thinking about it!

Playing this week is "First Day of My Life" by Bright Eyes. Ryan emailed this tune to us last week and it of course made me cry. For some reason these hormones just keep on raging. But thanks Ryan for always making us smile!!

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